
1111 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

981. Recently rescued bears Valerie and Tuan make a fine pair!

21 January 2020, 18:09PM

The most recent bears to arrive at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre, Tuan and Valerie have started their integration and it seems like they’re enjoying each other’s company and space to explore and play...

982. Vietnamese TV star and online influencer is educating families about moon bears with Animals Asia

24 January 2020, 16:00PM

Recently the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre was lucky enough to receive a visit from the popular Vietnamese television host Minh Trang. At the centre of the Tam Dao National Park, Minh Trang met Wendy the...

983. Animals Asia sends Veterinary Nurse Kat Donald to help struggling Australian wildlife impacted by recent catastrophic bushfires.

29 January 2020, 15:11PM

Like so many around the world we have been deeply affected by the bushfire crisis in Australia. The fires which have been burning since September have torched more than 15.6 million acres of land, leaving...

984. Pets at the centre of the coronavirus crisis in Wuhan separated from their families are helped by Animals Asia support

07 February 2020, 17:37PM

In the city of Wuhan there are an estimated six to eight hundred thousand cats and dogs living as companion animals many of whom have been separated from their families who were unable to return to Wuhan...

985. Raymond, a bear who lived in peace 15.09.11 - 15.01.20

15 February 2020, 17:47PM

On Wednesday 15 February, our vet team at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre made the difficult decision to end the suffering of our beloved bear friend Raymond. Raymond had been living at the Vietnam Bear...

986. Cartoon encouraging responsible companion animal guardianship watched over 35,000 times in a day.

21 February 2020, 18:09PM

Animals Asia has released a new film called “Waiting for The Game to End” to encourage empathy and responsible companion animal guardianship. Within a day of its release online it was watched over 35,000...

987. Bears encouraged to participate in their own veterinary care at Animals Asia's sanctuaries.

28 February 2020, 19:08PM

Not everyone likes to go to the doctor, however the bears at Animals Asia’s sanctuaries in Vietnam and China enjoy it more than most. This is because all of the bears in Animals Asia’s care are encouraged...

988. Wildlife under threat due to our eating habits - World Wildlife Day opinion piece

04 March 2020, 00:57AM

By Dave Neale, Animals Asia’s Animal Welfare Director Wild animals and their natural homes have never been under so much pressure in recent times than they face right now. A rapidly growing human population...

989. Pet owners urged to keep calm as there is no evidence that companion animals can be the source of human COVID-19 infection.

05 March 2020, 17:58PM

Recent news reports have suggested that a dog in Hong Kong which has tested ‘weak positive’ for the COVID-19 now has low-level infection and experts unanimously conclude this constitutes human-to-animal...

990. Vietnam Sanctuary gets ahead of COVID-19 by producing its own hand sanitizer.

06 March 2020, 22:37PM

With the whole world now on high alert with the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 the team at the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre are preparing to help combat the spread in the area around the Sanctuary by...