
1111 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

831. 20th Anniversary: 20 amazing numbers to describe 20 incredible years of helping animals

20 September 2018, 17:44PM

Over the last two decades, Animals Asia has spent every single day working to help animals in need – what we’ve achieved together is amazing. End Bear Bile Farming 1/ We’ve rescued 616 bears from extreme...

832. Mud baths and feathered friends: Rhinos love their solitary lives but for how much longer?

21 September 2018, 15:51PM

Half a million rhinos are believed to have roamed the earth at the beginning of the 20th century, today they cling on only in protected areas. Rhinos are the second largest land mammal on earth behind...

833. #InternationalRabbitDay: They are the most amazing companions but don’t underestimate just how much care and attention they need

21 September 2018, 17:12PM

They are cute and cuddly, but many rabbits aren’t provided the care, stimulation and environment they need to be happy animals. Millions of rabbits are kept in our homes and in our gardens. But not all...

834. If you prick them they will not bleed, but lobsters are sensitive animals who understand pain and fear

25 September 2018, 17:39PM

It is easy to dismiss lobsters as unfeeling shells, their brain and body functions differing beyond comprehension to that of humans. But in reality, lobsters have a brain and nervous system, a heart...

835. How Animals Asia inspired me to pursue my passion for animals and become a veterinarian

27 September 2018, 16:23PM

When a Hong Kong dentistry student was mentored by a leading animal welfare campaigner, it led to a lifetime of friendship and an unexpected career change. Veterinary dentist Shirley Kot will be reunited...

836. Vietnam’s shameful buffalo fights continue to set a violent example to the country

28 September 2018, 22:27PM

Trainers caught sharpening horns to cause maximum carnage at cruel “festival” despite government desire to end “uncivilised” events. The Do Son Buffalo Fighting festival, which takes place in Vietnam’s...

837. #5Alive Rescue: Heart-warming progress for rescued bears as pain gives way to fun-filled lives

03 October 2018, 19:13PM

One month ago, Animals Asia rescued five moon bears from at least 13 years of cruelty on a Vietnamese bear bile farm. All that time they had been trapped in small metal cages completely devoid of any...

838. #MoonBearMountainRescue: Traumatised bear rescued last week still doesn’t realise she’s safe now

05 October 2018, 16:35PM

A week on from her dramatic rescue from a bear bile farm, moon bear Sky remains scared and untrusting of the people trying to help her. After 14 years caged alone on a Vietnamese bear bile farm, help...

839. Foreign tourists fuelling animal cruelty in Vietnam’s tourism industry

05 October 2018, 19:14PM

Investigation into Vietnamese tourist company exploiting endangered species reveals foreign tourists are a mainstay of the audience. In the Vietnamese tourism hotspot of Nha Trang, visitors from all over...

840. Miomojo Cub House: Coconut Day in the cub club

11 October 2018, 15:22PM

In sanctuary, young bears are kept entertained with new experiences and much-loved activities – and few are so keenly anticipated as Coconut Day. If young bears are bundles of energy, then young sun bears...