
1112 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

711. Animals Asia’s open letter to UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova

14 November 2017, 15:58PM

Read Animals Asia’s full letter to UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova urging an end to cruel monkey performances at facility in Vietnam. The following letterwas issued by email on November 9 during...

712. Why separation is so devastating for orangutan mothers and infants

15 November 2017, 12:25PM

The bond between an orangutan mother, who raises her offspring single-handedly, and her young is one of the strongest in nature. By Animals Asia’s Animal Welfare Director Dave Neale Scientific studies...

713. Vietnam’s rejection of dolphin park shows no place for cruelty in entertainment

17 November 2017, 11:32AM

Authorities heed plea by hundreds of animal charities to prevent dolphins being captured and forced to perform for human entertainment. The authorities in Danang have rejected a proposal to build a dolphinarium...

714. 10 times the richness of animal lives has taken scientists' breath away

23 November 2017, 16:51PM

From the act of birth to the moment of death, animal life is more complex than humans give them credit for - to exploit them is unethical. There are so many animal species on Earth that scientists haven’t...

715. More than 3,500 rescued cats and dogs protected from disease in China

24 November 2017, 12:34PM

Operation to deworm and vaccinate rescued strays rolled out across 18 Chinese cities in a major push to give neglected animals special care. When Ze Sheng, a gorgeous golden retriever, was rescued in...

716. How a brave disabled bear called Freedom overcame the horror of a poacher’s snare

27 November 2017, 15:17PM

The loss of an arm on one side and part of her paw on the other has not stopped this special bear from making the most of life. When Animals Asia opened its bear sanctuary in China in 2000, Freedom was...

717. Tragic legacy: Why can’t captive animals be released back into the wild?

28 November 2017, 15:38PM

Mutilation, disease, mental trauma and a reliance on their human captors leaves most captive animals without the ability to survive in the wild. By Animals Asia’s Animal Welfare Director Dave Neale One...

718. 5 times a petition changed the world for abused animals

29 November 2017, 16:45PM

By adding your voice, you have helped end barbaric cruelty against animals – with your continued support we can do even more. The simple act of signing a petition against animal cruelty can make the voices...

719. Spate of circus animal escapes from Europe to China proves it’s time for total ban

01 December 2017, 16:20PM

From the boulevards of Paris to the streets of China, escaped circus animals have caused chaos and threatened lives - countries have to act. By Animals Asia’s Animal Welfare Director Dave Neale The events...

720. Goodbye Caesar, your strength and supreme intelligence taught us so much

06 December 2017, 19:05PM

Caesar was rescued from a bile farm where she endured a medieval form of torture - but after 13 years of freedom, she has succumbed to cancer. There are untold reasons why bears steal our hearts. Maybe...