
1111 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

391. Their job is to make 378 rescued bears happy – here’s how they do it

17 September 2015, 14:48PM

Having survived hellish bile farms, rescued bears need protection and care – and our bear sanctuaries are set up to offer them just that. Overseeing teams of more than 120 international and local staff...

392. Animals Asia's “Next Chapter” appeal hits $300,000 target

18 September 2015, 12:29PM

“Your backing continues to help us work towards ending animal cruelty.” That’s the message from Animals Asia's founder and CEO Jill Robinson today as it was announced that our “Next Chapter” fundraising...

393. BREAKING NEWS: Bear bile farming to be eradicated in Vietnam by 2020

21 September 2015, 16:10PM

A video posted by Animals Asia (@animalsasia) on Sep 21, 2015 at 12:22am PDT Animals Asia has called on all stakeholders to make a commitment to ending bear bile farming in Vietnam by 2020. It follows...

394. BREAKING NEWS: Animals Asia rescue seven more bears from bile farms in Vietnam

22 September 2015, 10:38AM

Bear rescuers will today (Tuesday 22 September), rescue seven moon bears from bear farms in Quang Ninh, Vietnam bringing the province a step closer to being bear bile free. A team from international animal...

395. Seven bears rescued as Vietnam “gets serious” about ending bile trade

23 September 2015, 12:14PM

Seven more bears have been rescued by Animals Asia from Vietnam’s Quang Ninh province – just 24 hours after Vietnam’s Traditional Medical Association agreed to phase out bile use. The agreement to end...

396. 10 things you’ve (probably) never done for a good cause (and the people who did them)

24 September 2015, 12:03PM

We all love bears. Now we’ve got that out of the way, it’s time to ask the question we’re asking ourselves today: “What would you do for the bears?” Every little bit helps. Donations, spreading awareness...

397. Rescued from traffickers – see how Xin Xin’s on top of the world

28 September 2015, 11:20AM

Happy #MoonBearMonday from the highest point of our Vietnam sanctuary! Since her rescue in 2010, Xin Xin has taken her rehabilitation one step at a time. She’s seen off her demons, fought her way back...

398. What gift do you give bears that break everything?

29 September 2015, 13:09PM

Rescued from bile farms after years of physical abuse and mind-numbing tedium in a tiny cage – these bears need games to keep their minds and bodies active. But any normal toys wouldn’t last five minutes...

399. Is there still a place for zoos?

30 September 2015, 11:46AM

In the third instalment of a six-part series, Animals Asia Animal Welfare Director Dave Neale discusses whether there is still a place for zoos in the modern world. Q: As awareness of animal welfare grows...

400. Rescued from the bile trade – six cubs growing up safely with Animals Asia

02 October 2015, 12:05PM

It’s impossible not to love bear cubs – these beautiful creatures have been doted on by rescuers, carers and Animals Asia supporters from around the world. In truth, however, they’ve lost the one admirer...