
1112 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

221. Key Vietnamese celebrity backs fight against bear bile

11 July 2014, 20:12PM

Vietnamese wildlife campaigner Thu Minh visited Animals Asia’s Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre recently in a bid to highlight the illegality of Vietnam’s bear bile industry. Already a well-known singer in...

222. A Day in the Life of the Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre

10 July 2014, 10:39AM

Caring for a sanctuary full of moon and sun bears is a multifaceted job that continues seven days a week, 365 days a year. Annemarie Weegenaar, Bear and Vet Team Director at Animals Asia’s Vietnam Bear...

223. Glorious sun bear cub arrives at Vietnam sanctuary

02 July 2014, 14:49PM

Animals Asia’s Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre has just welcomed its newest resident, a five-month-old sun bear cub. Nicknamed Layla, the tiny 13kg cub is settling into a 45-day quarantine period in a private...

224. Six reasons for optimism for dog festival protestors

30 June 2014, 12:05PM

This was the year when the cracks began to show in the annual dog meat eating festival in Yulin, China. Animal lovers from home and abroad heaped pressure on the organisers and attendees while celebrities...

225. Local staff key to Animals Asia’s future in China

27 June 2014, 10:55AM

As evidence of Animals Asia's commitment to the people dedicated to ending bear bile farming, there are now 28 Chinese staff members who have been with us for 10 years or more. Increasingly these dedicated...

226. Why Smudge needs love

27 June 2014, 10:52AM

Taken from her mother at birth and now the only cub on Nanning Bear Farm, gorgeous little Smudge is in desperate need of tender loving care and great big dollops of quality time. Moon bear cubs in the...

227. How to avoid animal cruelty on your travels

24 June 2014, 19:00PM

If you’re counting the days until your summer holiday then it’s also worth brushing up on the animal welfare issues wherever you are headed. Jess Vyvyan-Robinson reminds that it’s a holiday from the stresses...

228. Animals, empathy and the moral issues that divide us

19 June 2014, 14:40PM

Dave Neale, Animals Asia’s Animal Welfare Director, shares his thoughts on seeing animals as equals as opposed to being here purely for our personal benefit. Why is it that if I am in a restaurant looking...

229. Yulin: Authorities discourage dog eating festival

18 June 2014, 03:55AM

Posters set to go up in Yulin, China ahead of its annual dog meat eating festival, suggest that local authorities are asking people to think twice before attending. The series of four posters include...

230. Five reasons why Yulin Dog Meat Festival must stop

18 June 2014, 04:12AM

Every year at the Yulin Dog Meat festival in China it’s estimated 10,000 dogs are slaughtered. In an open letter to Yulin local government Animals Asia’s Manager of China Cats & Dogs Welfare Project...