
1112 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

21. Celebrities back campaign to save Halong Bay bears

16 January 2015, 16:05PM

To add your name to the letter to Vietnam's Prime Minister asking him to help release the Halong Bay bears click here. Celebrities across the world are adding their support to Animals Asia's campaign...

22. Cats rescued from the pot benefit from Animals Asia fund

15 January 2015, 12:03PM

After 19 cats were rescued from China's meat trade, a local animal welfare group has provided health care and successfully re-housed them thanks to Animals Asia support. The 19 cats were confiscated by...

23. New tool helps treatment for brave bears

14 January 2015, 11:26AM

The stoicism, strength and bravery of moon bears are legendary – sadly it's also one of the reasons why they've been abused by farmers for their bile. But once they are rescued, this brave front also...

24. Seven ways to be part of Animals Asia in 2015

13 January 2015, 15:37PM

The campaign to end bear bile farming is set to make exciting progress in 2015 – and we want you with us every step of the way. Animals Asia founder and CEO, Jill Robinson MBE said: "The campaign is powered...

25. #Moonbearmonday: Lotus craves attention

12 January 2015, 11:15AM

Happy #moonbearmonday! Everyone needs a little attention now and then. Nothing over the top – just a smile of recognition or a pat on the pack – something to help you feel appreciated. But there are days...

26. Sign up NOW to save the Halong Bay bears

12 January 2015, 16:40PM

With the news that four bears have starved to death at the Cau Trang Bear Farm in Halong Bay, we need your help to tell Vietnam's Prime Minister – please let us save these bears. We have published an...

27. How ice melting in Canada helped a rescued moon bear in China called Dick

13 March 2017, 16:03PM

When an ice block fell off a pole in freezing Canada, vital sponsorship was secured for an amazing bear rescued from a Chinese bile farm. Here’s how it happened. Looking out over the lake near his home...

28. ACPA Statement: cats seized in Vietnam

04 February 2015, 15:26PM

“There remains no official response as to the fate of the cats that were apprehended on a truck in Hanoi, Vietnam. We have heard conflicting and equally inhumane stories as to how they may have been destroyed...

29. Moon bears are world’s most exploited bear

06 January 2015, 10:44AM

The moon bear is the world's most poached and smuggled bear – according to a new report from Interpol. The report on the worldwide trade of bears and their parts estimates the trade is worth $2 billion...

30. Double thanks to our incredible supporters

30 December 2014, 12:00PM

Animals Asia would like to say an enormous thank you to all our supporters for ensuring our Double your Donation campaign reached its goal. Thanks to you, Animals Asia has overcome its most challenging...