
1111 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

131. The timid bear who conquered her anxiety now thrives in the company of friends

04 December 2017, 18:01PM

When Ki started showing signs of depression, her carers made it their mission to help her - with perseverance and creativity they achieved stunning results. Ki was a recently weaned cub when she was rescued...

132. "Mended" moon bear Xuan Xuan captures China's imagination

20 February 2014, 22:32PM

Emotive photographs of “mended” moon bear Xuan Xuan by animal welfare photographer Peter Yuen captured the attention of millions across China via social media. The snaps of Xuan Xuan, one year on from...

133. Stories from the Sanctuaries: Wang Run's incredible pics

26 February 2014, 00:28AM

Thanks to the many hours spent watching over the bears, staff at our sanctuaries in China and Vietnam have many tales to tell, not to mention pictures and movies to share. In the first of our Stories...

134. Monica Bando: My life as an Animals Asia vet

27 February 2014, 00:51AM

I first joined Animals Asia as a resident veterinarian and moved to the China Bear Rescue Centre (CBRC) in Longqiao, Sichuan Province in January 2010. By the end of the year, I was invited to step into...

135. Jill Robinson: Inside a China bear rescue

25 April 2014, 22:26PM

As Animals Asia embarks on the world’s biggest ever bear rescue transporting 28 sick bears 1,200km from Guangxi to Sichuan, Animals Asia founder and CEO, Jill Robinson reflects on what it’s like on the...

136. #moonbearmonday: Pearl's white teeth

04 March 2014, 00:45AM

Happy #Moonbearmonday! This snap of Pearl chewing on a stick after a fruit snack, couldn’t help but make us think of a ubiquitous item on Chinese dinner tables, toothpicks. We all want a pearly white...

137. Two-legged stray Si Bao close to adoption

04 March 2014, 02:55AM

In China, stray two-legged dog, Si Bao, who lost her legs after being run over by a train two years ago, and her pups are now receiving professional veterinary care and potential adoption homes have been...

138. International opposition to bear bile farming soars

04 March 2014, 15:12PM

Cruel, vile & pointless. End Bear Bile Farming In China @AnimalsAsia — Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) January 24, 2014 The numbers of people opposing...

139. Governments collaborate to end illegal dog trade

05 March 2014, 09:32AM

Officials from Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam have agreed that sustained and directed collaborative actions are needed to fulfil their pledge to eliminate rabies by 2020 and end the inhumane trade...

140. Campaigners jubilant as China's top zoo backs campaign

06 March 2014, 10:58AM

The decision by prestigious Beijing Zoo to host an exhibition of anti-animal performance posters has been heralded by jubilant campaigners as a historic breakthrough. Beijing Zoo is one of China’s oldest...