Emergency Rescue

Once a free bear — Number 9’s life was stolen from him more than a decade ago when he was captured for Asia’s barbaric ‘bile trade’.

Since then, ‘Number 9’ has been caged, regularly drugged, and violated with a four inch needle for the valuable bile which is stored in his gallbladder.

And he’s not the only one... Eight other tortured moon bears live on the farm near Ho Chi Minh City.

With your help, nine lives could be saved. Will you send help?

Yes, I'll send help

Your support today could mean that ‘Number 9’ and his friends are saved, and named, in as little as 72 hours.


But we must act fast... Until we reach their side Number 9 and his friends are not safe.

They are in the hands of people who have done them great harm. They could be sold, ‘lost’, or even killed for parts. Nothing is certain. Please, a special gift from you today could save nine lives.

Yes, I'll help save nine lives

With bear hugs of hope for nine precious lives.