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Rescued: 2014, when Nanning bile farm, taken over by Animals Asia.
Home: China
Likes: Paddling pools, peanut butter stuffed Kongs!
Best friend: Wai Kee

Little Smudge was the last cub to be bred on Nanning bear bile farm before we took it over and began caring for the bear on-site. And just in time, because Smudge narrowly escaped a life of torture as a 'bile bear' unlike many of her brothers and sisters born on the cruel farm.

Today, at three years old, Smudge is a sweet and sensitive soul who is happiest in the company of her best friend Wai Kee.

After years of being waited on hand and foot by her team of dedicated bear carers, Smudge has turned into a little bit of a princess, with very high standards! Delicately nibbling her fruit, and turning her nose up at anything less than perfect. After all she's been through, we think this princess deserves the best!

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