
1112 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

921. Another Indonesian city bans dog meat

22 February 2022, 16:41PM

In another breakthrough move towards creating a kinder world for animals, the Mayor of Semarang city in Central Java has announced new regulations explicitly prohibiting the dog meat trade throughout...

922. Animals Asia Founder wins Hong Kong Women of Hope Award and praises team who rescued over 600 bears

23 May 2019, 17:31PM

Animals Asia Founder and CEO, Jill Robinson MBE was feted at the Hong Kong Women of Hope Awards where her long-standing contributions to animal welfare were celebrated. Thirty-three years of tireless...

923. Tragic death of newly rescued bear deepens resolve to empty every cage in Vietnam

24 May 2019, 19:19PM

Barely a month on from rescue, moon bear Amy – the first bear rescued from Vietnam’s last bile farm hotspot – loses her fight for life. Moon bear Amy arrived at Animals Asia’s Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre...

924. Veterinary Nursing: Tender loving care and a calm head under pressure, the life of a front-line animal hero

28 May 2019, 15:45PM

To mark Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month, Katherine Alexander explains how these highly trained professionals treat a variety of species with the minimum of stress for the patient. By Registered Veterinary...

925. Cute, furry, clever and recovering from near extinction – the surprising lives of otters

29 May 2019, 15:44PM

Onced hunted to near extinction for their fur, research has revealed incredible otters are adept tool users and vital to marine ecosystems. Otters are found on every continent except Australia and Antarctica...

926. The traditional medicine community saved her – now surgery is giving her a brighter future

29 May 2019, 16:30PM

Rescued after intervention from traditional medicine practitioners, sun bear Aurora has surgery to remove her ravaged gall bladder. Sun bear Aurora is the smallest adult bear at Animals Asia’s Vietnam...

927. REPORT: 97% of traditional medicine doctors no longer prescribe bear bile in Vietnam

30 May 2019, 16:38PM

New report reveals Vietnam’s traditional medicine practitioners are on schedule to phase out bear bile by 2020, promising a collapse in demand. Having worked with Animals Asia since 2010, the Traditional...

928. Miomojo Bear House: Welcome to the largest community of rescued moon bears in Vietnam (for now!)

31 May 2019, 18:34PM

Moon bears are a solitary species, but in the Miomojo Bear House, 21 individuals live together in a huge community of furry fun. While in the wild moon bears are generally thought to be solitary, in sanctuary...

929. Animals Asia partner rescues over 1,000 sunbirds during covert investigation

04 June 2019, 16:03PM

Stake out leads to the rescue and release of over 1,000 sunbirds putting smugglers on the back foot. On May 26, wildlife criminals were dealt a stunning blow as Animals Asia’s Indonesian partner FLIGHT...

930. Animals Asia’s work to save endangered Asian elephants praised by Vietnam government

06 June 2019, 18:49PM

Four years of work to conserve Vietnam’s last remaining wild elephants and improve captive welfare recognised by government. At a ceremony in Vietnam’s Dak Lak province, Animals Asia representatives were...