
1112 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

891. Vietnamese Buddhist monk speaks out against animal cruelty at New Year festivals

19 February 2019, 17:16PM

Buddhist monk Thich Minh Thanh has told media in Vietnam that beginning the New Year by chopping pigs or stabbing buffalos will not bring good luck. According to Thich Minh Thanh, New Year celebrations...

892. Protest ends sexual harassment of sun bear at Indonesian circus

26 February 2019, 17:34PM

While no laws protect animals from sexual harassment, public protests organised by Animals Asia’s partner have led to a management u-turn. A travelling circus in Indonesia has promised to end the sexual...

893. Sun shines on recently rescued moon bear for first time after 13 years of cruelty

27 February 2019, 14:54PM

Moon bear Kim had no fear of the outdoor world she hadn’t experienced for a lifetime, but past trauma means she is not yet ready to make friends with other bears. When Animals Asia rescued five bears...

894. “All life on earth is equal”: China Vet training programme expands with animal welfare at its heart

28 February 2019, 18:50PM

Chinese veterinary students spent two weeks at Animals Asia’s sanctuary learning about animal welfare principles which will improve animal lives. Since 2014, Animals Asia has welcomed veterinary students...

895. The truth about elephant riding

01 March 2019, 18:32PM

Every year, tourists from around the world ride elephants while on holiday in Southeast Asia. Here’s why you should never take an elephant ride. In Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Thailand...

896. Sheer joy as rescued sun bear waits 15 years to make her first ever friends

05 March 2019, 19:39PM

Recently rescued sun bear Aurora is well into middle age for her species, but feels just like a cub again thanks to her five new best friends. After 15 years held in a barren cage, sun bear Aurora was...

897. Animals Asia Ambassador Peter Egan visits “sickening horrors” of Indonesia’s brutal dog and cat meat markets

06 March 2019, 16:55PM

Downton Abbey actor visibly shocked after visit to infamous dog and cat meat markets, calls for ban on “scenes of hell”. British actor and animal activist Peter Egan has made an emotional plea to the...

898. Why animals should not be in circuses

10 December 2022, 01:33AM

The truth about animals in circuses is that they are abused and endure lives of complete misery, while some are even poached from the wild, purely for entertainment. Circuses around the world continue...

899. Revealed: Malnourished young bears “ruthlessly exploited” at Vietnam tourist hotspot

11 March 2019, 19:05PM

The poaching and exploitation of moon bears is illegal, but tourists keep the cruelty running – tell the government to act! An Animals Asia investigation into a popular tourist destination in Vietnam...

900. Blind bear can’t see the outside world is waiting for her, even as her friends play on the grass

12 March 2019, 18:10PM

Rescued bear Mai went blind as a result of stress and neglect on a bear bile farm, and now that she’s safe she still doesn’t dare go outside. When moon bear Mai was rescued by Animals Asia last August...