
1112 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

741. Autistic children pour their love of cats and dogs into colourful art

07 February 2018, 16:47PM

Dogs helping to brighten the lives of autistic children in China are celebrated in a series of touching artworks by their best friends. For the past 27 years, Animals Asia’s Dr Dog programme has offered...

742. Chimpanzees on film: that’s not a smile, it’s a grimace

09 February 2018, 19:10PM

How decades of exploitation in movies has misled the public to think primates make great entertainers – in reality they are endangered wild animals. By Animals Asia’s Brooke Aldrich If you have enjoyed...

743. China’s dog meat restaurants on the back foot as public clamour to report illegality

13 February 2018, 16:28PM

A new Animals Asia initiative allows the public to report dog meat restaurant illegality online, with hundreds of reports flooding in over the first 10 days. While the dog meat industry must conform to...

744. World Pangolin Day: natural recyclers, keepers of the soil – and the world’s most trafficked animal

16 February 2018, 18:29PM

Many people have never heard of this unique mammal which contributes so much to forest ecosystems, and if we’re not careful they will soon be lost forever. By Dave Neale, Animals Asia’s Animal Welfare...

745. PETITION: TripAdvisor continues to facilitate animal cruelty despite ticket sales ban

20 February 2018, 17:34PM

Wild animal selfies and elephant rides are just some of the activities which users of travel website TripAdvisor cannot buy tickets for through the site. In October 2016, the company – the world’s largest...

746. TAKE ACTION: TripAdvisor’s animal welfare policy is failing and animals are suffering

21 February 2018, 17:58PM

The public can’t be expected to be experts. TripAdvisor – just like any other travel agent – must be responsible for the content on its own site. By Animals Asia Animal Welfare Director Dave Neale When...

747. 5 shocking examples of animal abuse available right now on TripAdvisor

23 February 2018, 16:31PM

Forget the dark web, if you want to eat a vulnerable species, cuddle captured wild animals or pose with a drugged tiger, just jump on TripAdvisor. While TripAdvisor made a big play of its animal welfare...

748. Hero vets save rescued bear suffering from life-threatening spinal injury

26 February 2018, 15:49PM

When moon bear Mandela’s spinal cord collapsed, his carers thought he wouldn’t survive, but dedicated vets have been able to get him back on his feet. Moon bear Mandela is a true survivor. He suffered...

749. Twelve monkeys rescued by female Buddhist monk receive enormous new homes so they can all live like one big family

27 February 2018, 16:24PM

An act of compassion ensured these monkeys survived the cruelty of poachers, now animal lovers are giving them the best possible life. For more than 20 years, Thich Dieu Mo has been quietly rescuing monkeys...

750. World Horse Day: We’re just finding out horses are even smarter than we thought

01 March 2018, 16:02PM

After thousands of years of domestication, we’re still learning about the horse’s amazing ability to communicate – with horses, other species and even us humans. Humans have developed an intricate relationship...