
1112 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

721. BREAKING NEWS: Mission begins to rescue six bears from bile farm in Vietnam

08 December 2017, 09:11AM

An Animals Asia rescue team has just arrived in Binh Duong province to end the misery of six caged bears and bring them home. YOU can help. Chained in cages for at least 12 years, the three male and three...

722. Safe at last: bears rescued from Vietnamese bile farm complete epic journey to sanctuary

11 December 2017, 21:39PM

Six bears who spent at least 12 years on a bile farm in southern Vietnam arrived safely at Animals Asia’s Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre on Monday Dec 11 following an epic three-day road trip covering 1,600km...

723. Animals Asia’s Indonesian partner wins prestigious award for uncovering animal abuse

14 December 2017, 15:25PM

Scorpion Foundation recognised for investigations that have helped to stop animal exploitation and raise awareness of animal welfare abuses across Indonesia. Scorpion Foundation has won an award for “Outstanding...

724. VIDEO: Three disabled bears are working overtime to figure out their new toy

18 December 2017, 17:26PM

When a new structure appeared in the enclosure it made these three disabled moon bears – rescued from bile farms – smile with joy and determined to explore every spot. When moon bear Kevin wandered out...

725. Online Chinese retailer bans sale of endangered species and dog meat after boycott

19 December 2017, 16:36PM

Pin Duo Duo announcement comes after customers posted screenshots showing the illegal sale of cat and dog meat on the company’s website. The Chinese online shopping platform said in statement this month...

726. Sun shines on six rescued bears celebrating their first real Christmas

20 December 2017, 18:01PM

Before their rescue from a Vietnamese bile farm last year, these bears were kept in small, dingy cells - now they feel the grass under their paws and the sun on their faces. A year ago this week, Animals...

727. Emptying the cages: A history of bear rescues in Vietnam

22 December 2017, 17:24PM

Since 2007, Animals Asia has rescued 186 bears in Vietnam by working hand in hand with the authorities and even ex-farmers – here’s how it happened: This month, six bears were rescued from bile farming...

728. Rescued moon bear tragically passes away just as cruelty-free life was beginning

04 January 2018, 16:22PM

Long-suffering bear Bao Lam was laid to rest under a crescent moon by her carers after sudden death from respiratory failure. Just 16 months after her rescue from an entertainment resort in Vietnam, moon...

729. The year in numbers: bear rescues, petitions, workshops and hundreds of tonnes of fruit and veg

29 December 2017, 20:56PM

From feeding our rescued bears in China more than 100 metric tonnes of fruit and veg to one historic agreement to end bear bile farming in Vietnam within five years – here’s what we’ve achieved over the...

730. Rescued moon bears find solace in each other after years of neglect and pain on a bile farm

02 January 2018, 16:20PM

Dieu and Soul have already overcome a fear of open spaces to forage outside – but legacy of physical damage means a constant struggle to stay healthy. When Dieu was rescued from a bear bile farm in Vietnam’s...