
1112 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

701. Why wild animals can never humanely be used as photo props

31 October 2017, 15:26PM

Social media is fuelling global demand for wild animal selfies, but behind the holiday snaps is a lifetime of suffering for the animals and personal danger for the tourists. The seemingly insatiable desire...

702. Yes, humans are unique in the animal kingdom, but not superior

01 November 2017, 12:34PM

For anthropologist Barbara J. King, life is a balance between recognizing human differences and acknowledging the importance of all animals. By Barbara J. King In my work, I walk a tightrope. My training...

703. Bali tourist attraction seeks signal from government to stop sun bear selfies

02 November 2017, 15:14PM

Forced to respond to global call to end selfies with sun bear mother and cub, Indonesian facility highlights lack of legislation, while government hints at review of current laws. Less than a week after...

704. He survived a hellish bile farm, now specialist care is taking away this bear’s pain

03 November 2017, 17:13PM

Gnawing in vain at the iron bars of his cage on a bile farm left moon bear Oscar with broken teeth, but thanks to a compassionate dentist he is able to savour food again. When rescuers went on an urgent...

705. This brave bear’s mystery seizures are a worry for his carers, but new medication offers hope

06 November 2017, 12:03PM

Seven years after being rescued from a bile farm, moon bear Sampo’s road to recovery is plagued by recurring fits but his carers are determined to maintain his quality of life. When rescuers met Sampo...

706. Indonesian government bans brutal boar vs dog fights in rural villages

06 November 2017, 17:20PM

Officials announce gory blood sport will end following an expose by Animals Asia’s Indonesian partner which garnered wide-ranging support from home and abroad. Just over two weeks after Scorpion Foundation...

707. TAKE ACTION: Help Ajib – a traumatised sun bear mother so damaged she behaves like a cub

07 November 2017, 16:40PM

Sun bear Ajib shows overt signs of psychological damage, but unsuspecting Western tourists think she’s healthy and pay to pose with her. By Animals Asia’s Animal Welfare Director Dave Neale Those who...

708. An animal welfare awakening is changing Indonesia forever

09 November 2017, 13:12PM

Campaigns, exposes and public outcry has led to a string of government moves against cruelty – but plight of dolphins and bears show more to be done. For animal lovers in Indonesia there was reason for...

709. Open letter calls for end to Vietnam’s biggest buffalo fighting festival

10 November 2017, 16:01PM

As a display of death, injury and extreme animal cruelty, the annual festival negatively affects Vietnamese society and reflects badly abroad. Animals Asia has launched a fresh appeal to authorities in...

710. “Please stop animal cruelty” head of UNESCO urged to act over Vietnam site

14 November 2017, 13:01PM

Growing alarm as monkeys bound at the neck are forced to ride bicycles and perform acrobatics in daily shows at UNESCO-designated biosphere reserve. Global animal welfare charity Animals Asia has appealed...