
1112 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

61. Animals Asia says bears must benefit from proposed change to China Wildlife Law

25 March 2013, 08:00AM

Animals Asia has welcomed a draft proposal to amend China’s Wildlife Protection Law, calling for the proposed legislation to include protection of bears farmed for their bile. With 37 deputies at China’s...

62. Animals Asia veterinary team assist dogs rescued from China’s meat trade

18 March 2013, 08:00AM

Seven hundred dogs rescued from the meat trade in China are receiving veterinary support, including vaccinations, from animal welfare group Animals Asia. Animals Asia is assisting Qiming animal shelter...

63. Commuters asked to examine the real cost of animal performances

14 March 2013, 08:00AM

Commuters in some of China’s busiest stations are set to be challenged on their attitudes towards performing animals. Three posters, funded by Animals Asia, are already up in Chengdu subway, with the...

64. NEWS: Chinese activists stop truck carrying 900 dogs to slaughter

06 March 2013, 08:00AM

Animal welfare activists in China have stopped a truck carrying 900 dogs due to be slaughtered for their meat. The truck was spotted in the Qijiang District of Chongqing, and the driver was forced to...

65. New Year Rescue: One Month On

07 February 2013, 08:00AM

All six New Year Rescue bears now recovering from successful gall bladder operations One month on from the New Year Rescue that saw six bears arrive at Animals Asia’s sanctuary in Chengdu from an illegal...

66. All you need is love, persistence and bear hugs!

21 January 2013, 12:43PM

Last week as the world celebrated Valentine’s Day, Animals Asia staff took to the streets in Chengdu, bear hugging passers-by. We look at how Animals Asia is ending bear bile farming, whether it’s a single...

67. Inspirational rescued bile farm bear Oliver, recovering from eye operation

05 February 2013, 08:00AM

Oliver, one of Animals Asia’s most loved and celebrated bears, is recovering at the China Bear Rescue Centre after a successful operation to remove his right eye. He had developed a luxated lens, where...

68. Campaign sees baby elephants return to the wild in Zimbabwe

27 January 2013, 08:00AM

Five wild-caught elephant calves due to be sent from Zimbabwe to Chinese zoos have been saved from a life of misery. Thanks to pressure put on the Zimbabwe Parks Authority they have now been sent instead...

69. Six bears saved from illegal bile farm in China

11 January 2013, 08:00AM

Six bears were rescued from an illegal bear bile farm in China on Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 by the Sichuan Forestry Department and delivered to Animals Asia. On arrival they were immediately assessed...

70. Repairs safeguard sanctuary river bank

01 August 2013, 08:00AM

Temporary repairs to the riverbank at Animals Asia’s Chengdu sanctuary have been put in place with the aim of securing the site throughout the rest of the current rainy season. The move follows a recent...