
1112 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

531. Xin Xin and Nora JamJack never “tyre” of each other

17 October 2016, 15:58PM

Bonded by a sad history, rescued moon bears Xin Xin and Nora JamJack have become close friends — no matter where they are. Bears enjoying new lives at Animals Asia’s Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre can often...

532. Animal selfies break our heart — here’s how we stop them

18 October 2016, 13:05PM

Animal performances continue at China’s zoos and safari parks despite a national ban. Animals Asia is changing attitudes of those behind the cruelty — and those who watch. If you knew the pain suffered...

533. Sanctuary Stars: Mandala and Wendy mend broken bile farm bears

19 October 2016, 13:46PM

On bile farms, bears can live with severe pain for decades — meet the heroes that make it stop. Do you have such things as “routine” days? Mandala: Working with bears and living at a rescue centre sounds...

534. These doggie heroes felt the love to help end the cruelty

20 October 2016, 12:39PM

Meet the dogs that enjoyed 10,000 tummy tickles to help end China’s dog meat and bear bile industries. Over the three days of China’s biggest charity industry fair, crowds consistently gathered round...

535. Hear Jill Robinson speak out against China’s dog meat trade at TEDxXi'an talk

20 October 2016, 15:30PM

Animals Asia founder Jill Robinson tells how dogs are helping the young, old and sick in China and in doing so helping end the dog meat trade. TEDx talks are heard all around the world. They represent...

536. Don’t eat our friends! Ads ask millions across China to protect cats and dogs

25 October 2016, 12:34PM

Advertisements have appeared in cities across China informing people to think before they eat — their meal could be someone’s family member. From September to December this year, the ads — created as...

537. Sick bear recovering after Vietnamese military came to his aid

26 October 2016, 12:54PM

Rescued moon bear Zebedee was escorted into a local army hospital to use specialist equipment after suffering from coughing fits. The bear was sedated before being transported to the facility in Vietnam’s...

538. Jill Robinson: The hurt, the horror and happiness of rescuing bears

27 October 2016, 15:49PM

On the cruelty of bile farms, her pride at the rescuing 600 bears and the incredible animal lovers helping her end bear bile farming. Q. When you first set foot on a bile farm in 1993, did you ever imagine...

539. Think China doesn’t care about animals — these incredible young people will change your mind

28 October 2016, 11:24AM

China’s caring, courageous animal lovers are making their voices heard. Outside an animal circus show in Beijing, a group of young animal welfare advocates start their own performance. They paint their...

540. For rescued bears, a swing is a slice of heaven

09 January 2017, 13:05PM

After lifetimes spent trapped in tiny cages, rescued bears love the freedom of swinging the days away on sanctuary swings. Imagine spending not days, but decades confined in a tiny cell. For some bears...