
1112 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

401. If you campaign against the dog meat trade – should you also campaign against chicken, pork and beef industries?

06 October 2015, 11:59AM

In the fourth segment of a six-part series, Animal Welfare Director Dave Neale looks at why the Asian dog meat trade attracts so much outrage in the rest of the world, and how the debate around the campaign...

402. “As the vet I have to keep it together – but inside my heart is breaking”

07 October 2015, 12:46PM

The new senior vet at Animals Asia’s Vietnam sanctuary hit the ground running – helping to rescue seven bears in her first week. Mandala Hunter-Ishikawa is the latest vet to join our Vietnam team, and...

403. The Bear in the Picture: Franzi

08 October 2015, 12:03PM

“When I first saw Franzi, she was in the smallest cage I’d ever seen.” That was from Animals Asia founder Jill Robinson’s recollection of Franzi’s rescue. Along with 18 other moon bears, Franzi was saved...

404. Saved from the bile industry – now who’ll save Arkte from David?

12 October 2015, 11:53AM

Alongside the moon bears at Animals Asia’s Vietnam sanctuary, there is a growing sun bear community including these two characters – David and Arkte. These small bears – often called “dog bears” in Vietnamese...

405. Dolphin plan is suicidal for ambitious Danang says Animals Asia

13 October 2015, 11:31AM

Plans to build a dolphinarium in Danang, Vietnam are “old fashioned” and would lead to a drop in tourists and investment, making it a suicidal move for the city. That’s the verdict of animal welfare charity...

406. “Bear cubs are cute, but rescuing them breaks my heart”

15 October 2015, 12:29PM

It’s hard to imagine anything cuter than a baby bear – each time a cub arrives at an Animals Asia sanctuary it’s cause for excitement - but it’s also a tragedy. The cubs that Animals Asia raises at its...

407. Vietnam pig slaughter festival organisers defy government and people to continue

16 October 2015, 17:08PM

Despite pleas from Vietnam’s Government to stop “violent and superstitious festivals” and the widespread condemnation of Vietnamese people - local authorities have announced they intend to continue to...

408. Making food fun at Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre

19 October 2015, 11:42AM

This #MoonBearMonday we’re honouring the carers behind the bears that work so hard to make their lives pretty much perfect. We love our bears, and we know you do too, which is why here at Animals Asia...

409. BREAKING NEWS: Animals Asia to rescue eight bile farm bears in Vietnam

21 October 2015, 09:56AM

Animal welfare charity Animals Asia will this week start a two-day rescue of eight bears from bile farms in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam. It follows a decree from Vietnam’s Prime Minister that the province...

410. Murko loves a bit of attention. The problem? 201kg Bridger does too

26 October 2015, 12:13PM

Happy #MoonBearMonday from Murko and Bridger! On this fine morning, Murko is hamming it up for the camera… at his own peril. For the first seven years of Murko’s life, he was kept in a display cage by...