
1112 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

371. We are not the victims – so animal campaigners can never give up

14 August 2015, 14:54PM

Animals Asia Animal Welfare Director Dave Neale describes why – even on a bad day when exploitation seems insurmountable - giving up on trying to end cruelty, is simply not an option. Working in the field...

372. Stop playing Wilf and Elsie – your dinner’s ready!

17 August 2015, 11:43AM

New arrivals at our Vietnam sanctuary Wilf and Elsie got their first taste of the big wide world this week – and loved being outside so much they even chose to sleep under blue skies. And – with “dinner...

373. Why some young cubs like teddy bears and four more cub care facts

18 August 2015, 12:26PM

The prevalence of animal trafficking around Vietnam's borders has caused staff at Animals Asia's Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre to become hugely experienced in the care of moon and sun bear cubs. Vietnam...

374. Chapter 1 - the one where Jill started it all

21 August 2015, 12:18PM

Animals Asia’s supporters know we are committed to ending bear bile farming, to stopping cruelty to cats and dogs, and enhancing the welfare of captive animals in zoos and safari parks. But the fact that...

375. Animals Asia celebrates 20 years of pioneering opposition to bear bile industry

08 August 2018, 16:46PM

Charity which revealed bear bile farming atrocity to the world marks two decades of rescues and is now at the forefront of industry’s end in Vietnam. Just outside of China’s Chengdu city, a month of celebration...

376. How art can help us imagine a cruelty free world

26 August 2015, 12:49PM

From Banksy to the creators of internet cat memes - the people who will shape a cruelty-free world are the people who can best imagine it. Carolyn Merino Mullin explains. It’s no accident that when we...

377. 15 best rescued bear Vines that are guaranteed to make you smile

27 August 2015, 15:33PM

At Animals Asia, we love nothing more than to bring you closer to the bears whose care is only possible thanks to your support. One way to catch the countless magic moments in a moon bear’s life at one...

378. Chapter 2 - the one where Jill convinced the Chinese authorities to set up a sanctuary

28 August 2015, 12:21PM

Read Chapter 1 here Every time a bear is rescued by Animals Asia we are making a commitment to caring for them for the rest of their lives. For the majority of the bears we have rescued that means they...

379. Rescued bear isn’t afraid anymore – he’s having the time of his life

31 August 2015, 11:48AM

Happy #MoonBearMonday! When we last caught up with moon bear Bern, he was timidly taking his first steps on grass after a decade in a cage. He had good reason to be cautious. Nobody knows when Bern last...

380. Please PLEDGE and do the business for the bears

01 September 2015, 15:13PM

It's the campaign that’s rocked rock stars and had comics chortling and it’s all about ensuring a bear can do what comes naturally - in the woods - are you ready to join the movement? Those who have already...