
1112 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

321. Celebs turn out to end bear bile farming

30 April 2015, 15:08PM

On May 13, 2015, million-selling artists, comedians and celebrities are coming together. Their goal: to let bears sh!t in the woods. The “Let a Bear Sh!t in the Woods” campaign features major celebrities...

322. Two moon bears to be rescued from Vietnamese island

04 May 2015, 18:33PM

Animals Asia has announced that it will rescue two moon bears on Tuesday 5 May from a remote island on the outskirts of Bai Tu Long Bay, just north of the country’s most iconic tourist destination, Halong...

323. Moon bears safe on dry land after remote island rescue

06 May 2015, 10:22AM

Moon bears Sam and Simon arrived back on Vietnam’s mainland on Tuesday evening after four years on remote Ba Mun island – just north of iconic tourist spot Halong Bay. The rescue was described by Animals...

324. Animal welfare debate is alive and well in Vietnam

07 May 2015, 13:47PM

Animals Asia founder and CEO Jill Robinson MBE writes for the Huffington Post on how animal welfare has emerged from the shadows to become a hot topic in Vietnam. Coverage in the Vietnamese media makes...

325. Watch two bears take a sunset boat ride to freedom

08 May 2015, 18:31PM

The support of tens of thousands of animal lovers around the world won the Save the Halong Bay Bears campaign. Now, the task begins to get the 38 bears across Quang Ninh province home. It started with...

326. Five steps from bile farm to freedom for rescued bears

12 May 2015, 14:55PM

Once a bear has been freed from a life of bile extraction, the true road to recovery begins. Their cages can be left thousands of kilometres behind, but decades of pain and suffering are harder to erase...

327. The challenges of the Halong Bay rescues and how you can help

13 May 2015, 12:27PM

Thanks to the efforts of thousands of supporters around the world, the battle to save the Halong Bay bears has been won. Now an even bigger challenge begins, getting these 38 bears home from Quang Ninh...

328. Celebs and models say: Let a Bear Sh!t in the Woods

14 May 2015, 15:40PM

Stars of fashion, music, comedy and tv have come together to raise awareness of bear bile farming in a project they're calling #BearRelief. It's a name inspired by animal welfare charity Animals Asia's...

329. This animal’s got talent – but it’s not for entertaining

15 May 2015, 12:33PM

By Dave Neale, Animals Asia's Animal Welfare Director The curtains open and the spotlight hits the “star” – a star that should never have been there. His talents are best used in the natural environment...

330. 300 cyclists brave rain for Vietnam’s moon bears

21 May 2015, 12:42PM

Cyclists in Vietnam braved tropical storms to complete Animals Asia’s annual 62km Ride for the Bears, raising funds and much-needed awareness for the fight against bear bile farming. An incredible 300...