
1112 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

31. Seven reasons for animal welfare optimism in China

19 December 2014, 10:45AM

With the news that China intends to introduce its first animal welfare legislation, 2014 has been one of the most positive yet for animal welfare in one of the world's most populated and bio-diverse countries...

32. 2014: our greatest year in numbers

18 December 2014, 11:37AM

What did Animals Asia do in 2014? Let the numbers speak for themselves… In Nanning, China, Animals Asia rescued 130 bears who had been living lives of pain and suffering on a bear farm, committing to...

33. The Vietnam “cub pack” comes of age

17 December 2014, 12:40PM

We've watched them grow from cubs to juveniles and now – all too soon – the "cub pack" have come of age and moved in with a group of older bears. Earlier this year Ricky, Joey, Hector, Dung, Rain and...

34. Animals Asia welcomes China animal welfare law reports (US)

17 December 2014, 19:48PM

Reports that China will introduce animal welfare legislation have been welcomed by Animals Asia. Chang Jiwen, vice director of the Research Institute of Resources and Environment Policies under the Development...

35. Zoo ends animal performance after Animals Asia Campaign

16 December 2014, 11:14AM

Hangzhou Zoo has announced it will end animal performances – following a nationwide campaign by Animals Asia. After nearly two decades of continuous animal performances, Hangzhou Zoo announced in November...

36. #Moonbearmonday: whatever happened to Holly and Wang Cai?

15 December 2014, 12:49PM

Super-active moon bear twins Holly and Wang Cai caused a sensation when they arrived as juveniles almost two years ago. They had been discovered by villagers in mountainous Yibin province who had taken...

37. Bear in the picture: Mara

12 December 2014, 10:54AM

The picture was taken in 2007 and shows moon bear cub Mara in a temporary cage after being discovered by Forest Protection Department staff in remote Dien Bien province, Vietnam. That dirty, starving...

38. We expose shocking conditions at horror bear bile farm

11 December 2014, 15:34PM

Emaciated, starving bears, open wounds, missing limbs – that was the shocking scene awaiting Animals Asia veterinary staff at a bear bile farm in Halong Bay, Vietnam. The farm has 27 bears and is one...

39. My journey to vegetarianism in Vietnam

10 December 2014, 12:15PM

By Animals Asia's Animal Welfare Officer, Nguyen Tam Thanh Like most of us, I was raised eating meat. My childhood was no different to many. I grew up in the countryside where cattle, poultry and pets...

40. 10 tips for a cruelty free festive period

09 December 2014, 12:01PM

We sent out an "all staff" Animals Asia email – "What are your tips for a cruelty free Christmas?" We're delighted to share the response… 1/ Choose a vegan-friendly Christmas pudding The most amazing...