
1112 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

211. Bile tourist numbers drop in response to Halong Bay campaigns

22 January 2014, 11:07AM

Bear bile tourism to Vietnam hotspot Halong Bay is decreasing, as tourists are made aware that buying bile could lead to criminal charges. The number of tour companies that organised bear farm visit for...

212. The secrets in the hearts of China's rescued moon bears

21 January 2014, 11:31AM

The hearts beating inside stoic moon bears, previously caged by China’s bear bile industry, have been put under scrutiny by veterinary cardiologists from the University of Liverpool. Hannah Stephenson...

213. #moonbearmonday: Kevin's having a ball

27 January 2014, 11:20AM

Happy Moon Bear Monday! This week moon bear Kevin is having a ball. While other bears are starting to slow down for the winter hibernation period, Kevin seems intent on playing games. But then Kevin’s...

214. Microsoft joins campaign to end bear bile farming in China

29 January 2014, 10:22AM

Microsoft has joined the campaign to end bear bile farming with the development of an interactive website Exploring Moon Bears that explains the plight of China’s moon bears and the work of Animals Asia...

215. Strength and compassion equip vets for health checks

01 August 2014, 13:55PM

That vets and vet nurses are compassionate individuals is a given. Working with Animals Asia – providing health checks to bears previously kept in appalling conditions – so many other qualities are required...

216. #Moonbearmonday: Panja's enduring strength

23 July 2014, 09:56AM

Happy #moonbearmonday! Gorgeous moon bear Panja may look young reclining on this hammock, but she is actually one of the oldest bears at Chengdu Bear Rescue Centre. Way back in 1993, Panja was languishing...

217. #Moonbearmonday: A Game of Thrones

28 July 2014, 18:45PM

Cintron couldn’t appear more regal overlooking a kingdom that she almost certainly believes to be her own. Occasionally she lets out a long drawn out moon bear yawn – it’s been a long day’s forage in...

218. Ricky Gervais adopts Peace by Piece bear

18 July 2014, 16:33PM

Comedian Ricky Gervais has named a farmed moon bear in China after his comedy-drama, Derek. Ricky is very well known and respected as a champion of animal welfare and has long supported Animals Asia in...

219. Vet team heartened by Ti Map health check

17 July 2014, 15:38PM

Ti Map, the last bile-farmed moon bear in Vietnam’s Binh Thuan province following his rescue by Animals Asia earlier in the year, has heartened vets after no significant health issues were found during...

220. #moonbearmonday: Jonah puts the past behind him

14 July 2014, 17:35PM

Happy #moonbearmonday everyone! Seen here foraging for food in Animals Asia’s Chengdu Bear Rescue Centre is beautiful moon bear Jonah. A victim of the bear bile industry, Jonah’s spine is permanently...