
1111 Results found for "外盘期货汇总新浪财经网"

141. #moonbearmonday : Vets clear Quantock for wrestling return

10 March 2014, 12:40PM

All the bears we care for are special but Quantock is a living marvel - truly one of the world’s most incredible bears. And he’s watched over by a fantastic vet team worthy of such an incredible soul...

142. New lives begin for bears Dung and James

10 March 2014, 18:54PM

Arriving to a fanfare of best wishes from across the world, late on Friday night (07.03.14) - rescued moon bears Dung and James are now settling in to their new life at Animals Asia’s Vietnam sanctuary...

143. Rescued moon bears go nest crazy

15 March 2014, 00:49AM

This year the rescued bears at our China Sanctuary have gone nest crazy – a sure sign that natural instincts are returning after years in tiny cages on bear bile farms. Whether a bear hibernates or not...

144. Western tourists risk fuelling animal cruelty in Vietnam

15 March 2014, 00:58AM

Thrill seeking western tourists fuelling the cruel consumption of wildlife in Vietnam are being targeted by Animals Asia. The animal welfare NGO is producing leaflets targeting foreign visitors to Vietnam’s...

145. Meet the Vietnam cub pack

15 March 2014, 01:40AM

With juveniles Dung and James becoming the latest addition to the Animals Asia family last week, a community of younger bears is beginning to form at our Vietnam Bear Rescue Centre (VBRC). Dung and James...

146. Moon bear Monday: Learning about Lexa

18 March 2014, 00:20AM

Happy #moonbearmonday! After coming across this striking picture by Wang Run, we just had to find out more about this handsome bear with the white muzzle and perfectly round Mickey Mouse ears. When we...

147. UK University introduces animal welfare to Vietnam's vets

19 March 2014, 23:06PM

Top vets from Edinburgh University visited Hanoi, Vietnam to host workshops on animal welfare and veterinary science ethics. Workshop co-organisers, Animals Asia and the Hanoi University of Agriculture...

148. Children in China learn to love dogs

20 March 2014, 22:37PM

Professor Paws therapy dogs are truly canine ambassadors. On visits to schools in mainland China and Hong Kong these doggie diplomats have helped to teach children that they truly are our friends. Many...

149. Sanctuary snoozers put plans on hold

21 March 2014, 21:54PM

Despite the onset of spring, as ever it’s the bears that are setting their own pace at our China sanctuary - as our bear and vet teams plan around three bears who aren’t quite ready to wake up after winter...

150. Brown bear Monday - Beautiful Benji

25 March 2014, 02:14AM

Meet the very beautiful Benji, a Tibetan brown bear living at Animals Asia’s China Bear Rescue Center. Benji was discovered in July 2005, living in a bear pit with his sister Poupouce in a monastery in...